App Editor Tour

Get to know your way around the Zingy App Editor

The App Editor is organized into the following tabs:

  • Pages & Forms

    Allows you to create and edit the pages and forms in your App. Usually your app has at-least one page that allows the user to interact with your app.

  • Data

    Manage your App's data in the form of tables, fields and queries.

  • Cloud Flow

    Create logic that runs in the background or when invoked via unique URL (web-hook).

  • Toolbox - Media

    Upload files used by your App.

  • Toolbox - Connections

    Lets your App talk to external applications and APIs

  • Toolbox - Connection Data

    View and manage data saved by connections.

  • Toolbox - Page Slices

    View and manage the page slices used by Structured Pages.

  • Settings - App Settings

    View and manage various settings including the App's unique URL, the app level fonts, and app level HTML head and CSS style definitions, etc.

  • Settings - Users

    Add/remove users that access your app. Set user roles by assigning them to specific groups.

  • Settings - User Groups

    Define your app's user groups

  • 🏁 - ⬆️ Publish App

    Publish your a new version of your app.

  • 🏁 - 🚀 Launch App

    Open your app's unique URL in a new browser tab.

Last updated