Execute Connection Command
Block Information
Available in: Page Flow and Cloud Flow
Toolbox Category: Connections
Block Type: Regular
The Execute Connection Command
block is used to invoke a command/operation on a connection of your app.
Use the Execute API Call block for invoking the API Call service based connections.
The block consists of the following (from top to bottom)::
Connection Name: Value Parameter that accepts a text value representing the name of the connection to use.
Command: Value Parameter that accepts a text value representing the command/operation of the connection to use.
Data: Optional Value Parameter that accepts an object value representing the data to be used when invoking the command/operation. Refer to the specific commands documentation for further details.
Success Tasks: a Flow Parameter where you connect blocks that specify what you want done when the operation completes successfully. The Connection Data block can be used to access the output of the command/operation.
Fail Tasks: a Flow Parameter where you connect blocks that specify what you want done when the operation reports an error. The Connection Error block can be used to access the error information.
Usage Example
The image below shows an example of the Execute Connection Command
block where the command iccPaymentIntent1 ( Create Payment Intent ) is invoked for an amount of 100.
Upon success, the Get Object Property block is used to access the client_secret and publishable_key properties from the Connection Data block which represents the output of the command. The client_secret and publishable_key properties are called to the function process payment.
If there was an error with the operation, the Show Information Popup block is used to show the error information.
Last updated