Data Table Action Menu Customize

Block Information

Available in: Page Flow

Toolbox Category: Widget - Data Table

Block Type: Regular

The Data Table widget presents a popup menu with the default options of New, Edit, Delete and Refresh. The menu is presented when the user clicks on a row of the Data Table widget on the page.

The Data Table Action Menu Customize block allows you to show or hide one or more of these default options.

The block consists of the following (from top to bottom):

  • Data Table: Selectable Input to choose the Data Table widget from your page.

  • New/Edit/Delete/Refresh: Dropdown configuration setting for these default actions that allows you to choose from two options:

    1. show: Show option when the menu is presented.

    2. hide: Hide this option when the menu is presented.

Usage Example

The image below shows an example of the Data Table Action Menu Customize block where the New and Refresh actions are hidden from the menu when presented.

Last updated