Data Input Popup

Block Information

Available in: Page Flow

Toolbox Category: Data - Edit

Block Type: Regular

The Data Input Popup block is used to present an automatically generated form as a modal popup, for adding or editing a record in a database table.

This block behaves similarly to the Show Popup Form block, with some differences which are outlined below:

  • Data Input Popup block does not require a Form and automatically generates one based on the table's fields.

  • Data Input Popup block does not offer any customization for the design and layout of the field input elements, whereas Show Popup Form block does.

The block consists of the following (from top to bottom):

  • Title: Value Parameter that accepts a text value to use for the title of the popup.

  • Table: Value Parameter that accepts a text value representing the name of the Database Table .

  • Dataset Name: Optional Value Parameter that accepts a text value representing the name of the dataset. This is only needed if the Dataset Refresh parameter will be set to a value of true.

  • Data: Optional Value Parameter that accepts an object value representing the record to be edited. If unassigned, the popup will create a new record.

  • Dataset Refresh: Value Parameter that accepts a boolean (true/false) value to indicate if you want the system to refresh the records in the same dataset after successful completion.

  • Success Tasks: a Flow Parameter where you connect blocks that specify what you want done when the operation completes successfully.

Usage Example

NOTE: Please refer to the prerequisite information shown here before seeing the example.

The image below shows an example of Data Input Popup the block.

Here is a summary of the above example:

  • The Event Action block is used to handle a click event for a button.

  • The Data Input Popup block is used to present a popup form for the Customers database table.

  • Since the Data parameter is unassigned, a new record will be added to the database based on the user's input.

  • Upon a successful completion, the function do something is invoked, where an app specific action can be taken.

The result for the above example is shown in the image below, where the automatically generated form has all the fields in the Customers database table.

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