Layout Container
The Layout Container
element plays an important role when it comes to designing your page. Many other built-in elements make use of the layout container and related elements like Layout Row and Layout Column inside them.
The layout container contains one or more layout row elements, with each row containing one or more layout column elements.
The example below shows a layout container (Container27) with two layout rows (Row26 and Row28). The Row26 layout row has three layout columns and the Row28 layout row has two. (See the page tree view image for spotting these elements).
The only element that can be added to a layout container is a Layout Row.
The Options tab settings for this element are described below:
Controls the width of the element based on the following values:
Sets the width based on that of the element the container is placed in.
Width < 576px : 100% width of the element the layout container is placed in.
Width < 768px: 540px
Width < 992px: 720px
Width < 1200px: 940px
Width >= 1200px: 1140px
Full Width
Always occupies 100% width of the element the layout container is placed in.
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