Prerequisite for Data examples

In order to make the usage examples of various Data blocks clear and easy to understand, we have created a common background or scenario, which we will explain in this section.

Introduction Video

The following video serves as a great introduction to databases and also provides a general overview of data features in your Zingy app.

Video: Database Features

Table Information

We will continue to use the example Customers Database Table presented in the above video and also detailed below:

Sample Records

We will use the following sample records for the Customers Database Table.

Sample Queries

The following queries are part of the Customers Database Table.

  • NameMatch

    This query will list records where either the value of the FirstName OR the LastName fields, contains the text specified in the Input-1 parameter.

  • NamePhoneMatch

    This query will list records where the PhoneNumber field contains the text specified in the Input-2 parameter AND either of the FirstName or the LastName fields, contains the text specified in the Input-1 parameter.

Database Reading Logic for examples

For Page Flow/Cloud Flow blocks that are related to reading of database records, the following base logic is used:

  • The Data Read block is used to read from the Customers Database Table with the dataset name of ds1.

  • The Data Status block is then used to check the status.

  • In the Success Tasks Flow Parameter of the Data Status block, the function Usage Example is invoked.

  • All examples will be shown implementing the Usage Example function containing the specific block being explained.

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