Data Design

Data Design

The Data Design element is used to design a template with various elements and placeholders. This template can subsequently be populated with real data and dynamically incorporated into your page via Page Flow.

The data design element can be positioned anywhere on the page, but it's important to note that as mere templates, they will not be rendered in the Page Preview or when accessed by users of your app.

Each instance of the data design element on a page, will create one design template that can be dynamically shown on your page. Additionally, you have the flexibility to replicate the template multiple times, enabling the addition of rows to a table or any other desired repetition as needed.

Within a Data Design, certain elements like Image, Link and Text, allow you to define placeholder fields, whose values can be set from real data.

Look for the Dynamic Content toggle switch and the Field Name settings in these elements for defining the placeholder field names.

For example you can add a Link element and set its URL dynamically. Similarly a text element's content can also be set dynamically.

To facilitate template design, certain element placement rules are relaxed. For instance, you can directly drag a Layout Column into the data design element without the requirement of adding a Layout Row element first.

The usage of Data Design element is explained in more detail in Dynamic Content.

Last updated