Form Events

Block Information

Available in: Page Flow

Toolbox Category: Form

Block Type: Regular

The Form Events block is used to handle various events related to a form.

Form Events block

This block only works when used in Form type pages. See Working With Forms to learn about how forms work.

The block consists of Init Tasks, Pre-Validate Tasks, Post-Validate Tasks, Submit Tasks, Success Tasks and Error Tasks flow parameters which are discussed below.

Init Tasks

The Init Tasks flow parameter, is used to implement logic during the initialization process of the form.

If you plan on adding logic that takes time to complete (i.e. executes in the background), we recommend locking the form using the Lock/Unlock Form block and unlocking when the task is complete.

Pre-Validate Tasks

The logic in the Pre-Validate Tasks flow parameter is invoked after the user clicks the submit button or when the Save Form with Data is executed without a valid data object attached its value parameter. This occurs prior to Zingy's automatic field input validation process.

You can implement any supplemental validation or input correction tasks here.

Please note that you cannot execute a background task and wait for it's completion here.

Post-Validate Tasks

The logic in the Post-Validate Tasks flow parameter is invoked after Zingy's automatic field input validation process but prior to the submission of the form's data.

Please note that you cannot execute a background task and wait for it's completion here.

Submit Tasks

The logic in the Submit Tasks flow parameter is invoked only in the case of custom forms (where no database table is attached).

Implement your own form data submission or processing logic here. You can access the form's data using the Form Data block.

Once you are done processing or submitting the data, use the Form Submit Complete block for the system to proceed with the next step.

Refer to the Form Submit Complete block for an example.

Success Tasks

The Success Tasks flow parameter allows you to execute logic when the form's data has been submitted successfully.

  • You can use the Form Data block to retrieve the data that was submitted.

  • You may also use the Set Form Event Status Message to report any specific message to the user. This will override the form's success message.

Please note that you cannot execute a background task and wait for it's completion here.

Error Tasks

The Error Tasks flow parameter allows you to execute logic when there was an error in submitting the form's data.

  • You can use the Form Data block to retrieve the data entered by the user..

  • You may also use the Set Form Event Status Message to report any specific message to the user. This will override the form's error message.

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