App Settings

The App Settings screen allows configuring important settings related to your Zingy app.

You can access the app settings screen using the App Settings option found in the Settings menu of the App Editor.

Please note that you need to re-publish your app for the settings to take effect.

The app settings are categorized into the following sections:


Publish Status

The Publish Status setting indicates the current publication status of your app. Additionally, it provides the option to take your app offline by designating it as 'Not Published'.

It's important to note that you cannot manually set the app as 'Published' using this setting. The status will automatically change to 'Published' once you publish your app.

Starting Page

The Starting Page setting sets the home page or the main page for your app.

When the page selected as the Starting Page is not publicly accessible, an automatic login screen will be presented. After a successful login, the app will automatically redirect the user to the desired page.


The URL setting enables you to set up a distinctive domain through which users will access your app. It is mandatory to select a unique domain before you can proceed with publishing your app.

To make a selection, click on the 'Change URL' button and type in the desired domain.

The value you enter must meet the following requirements:

  • Must not begin with a number

  • Consists only of letters and numbers

  • Is a minimum 6 characters in length

If your desired domain is available, you can click on the 'Save URL' button to complete the selection.

At present, we provide your app's domains within the primary domain of However, we have future plans to introduce a wider range of domain choices.



You can override the fonts for a specific page using the Fonts setting for the page.

Additionally, you can also override the font of a specific element on a page by:

  • Using the Custom CSS Classes setting.

  • Using the Design Tab under the Font section.

  • Adding this font to the Font List in App Settings or at the page. If you want to use a font that is not supported, you can add the font using CSS.

Font List

Every page and form within your Zingy app will automatically adopt the defined fonts specified here.

Additionally, this setting allows for the removal of fonts that are no longer required.

Heading Font

Select the font to be used for displaying headings in your page using the Heading Font setting. By default the page will use the heading font selected in your app's settings.

Body Font

The Body Font setting allows you to select the font to be used in your page for all non-heading elements. By default the page will use the body font selected in your app's settings.


HTML Head Additions

The HTML Head Additions setting allows you to include custom Javascript (via script tag) and CSS files (via link tag).

The contents of the HTML Head Additions setting, will be inserted into all pages and forms along with the HTML Head Additions setting defined in each page or form settings.

It is recommended that you limit the contents if this setting to script, link or meta tags.

Custom Style Definitions

The HTML Head Additions setting allows you to define your own CSS classes.

The contents of the Custom Style Definitions setting will be inserted into all pages and forms along with the Custom Style Definitions setting defined in each page or form settings.

Please define your CSS classes directly and do not include a style tag. The style tag is automatically generated.

Last updated