Input Group

The Input Group is a composite element consisting of:

  • IG Left Block containing a IG Label element that can be edited.

  • A sample Input element.

  • IG Right Block containing a IG Label element that can be edited.

The input group element is fully customizable. Here are some examples:

The image below shows example of various ways you could use the Input Group element (from top to bottom, left to right):

  • Input group with IG Label elements in IG Left Block and IG Right Block elements, and a standard Input element inside it.

  • Input group with IG Label elements in IG Left Block and IG Right Block elements, with a Dropdown element inside it.

  • Input group with IG Label elements in IG Left Block and IG Right Block elements, with a Input and Button elements inside it.

  • Input group with IG Label element in IG Left Block, a Button inside the IG Right Block element and Dropdown element inside it.

  • Input group with IG Label elements in IG Left Block and IG Right Block elements, with a Multi-line element inside it.

The input group elements can be added to the Button Toolbar element along with button group elements to create a cohesive multi-functional toolbar for your app.

The Input Group element normally occupies the full width of the parent element it is placed in. You can customize this behavior by:

To add text to the Input Group, use the IG Label element.

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