Show Confirmation Popup
The Show Confirmation Popup
block is used to present a modal popup containing a message or any other information to be shown the user. The modal popup presents both the OK and the Cancel buttons. This block is designed to get a confirmation from the user before carrying out subsequent actions.
The block consists of the following (from top to bottom):
Title: Value Parameter that accepts a text value to use for the title of the popup.
Message: Value Parameter that accepts a text value to use for the message to be shown.
Customization: Optional Value Parameter that accepts a object value with properties for customizing the popup.
OK Tasks: a Flow Parameter where you connect blocks that specify what you want done if the user chooses the OK option.
Cancel Tasks: a Flow Parameter where you connect blocks that specify what you want done if the user chooses the Cancel option.
Usage Example
The image below shows an example of the Show Confirmation Popup block used confirm before proceeding to delete a record from the app's database.
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