Get Toggle Switch State

Block Information

Available in: Page Flow

Toolbox Category: Input

Block Type: Output

Output Type: boolean (true/false)

Get Toggle Switch State is an output block that allows you to retrieve the state of Checkbox and Toggle Switch elements on a page or form. The output is of type boolean (true/false) and is compatible with Value Parameters of type boolean (true/false) or of type any.

Refer to the Get Toggle Switch State in Data Design block for dynamically generated content.

The block comes in two modes which are discussed below.

Mode 1

The Mode 1 version of the Get Toggle Switch State block consists of a Selectable Input to choose the element you want to get the state of.

Mode 2

The Mode 2 version of the Get Toggle Switch State block consists of a Value Parameter that accepts either a text value in the form of a CSS Selector or an element value. The Element block comes pre-attached for your convenience but can be removed and customized.

Usage Examples

The image below shows an example of the Mode 1 version where the the variable b is set to the state of the selected toggle switch or checkbox element.

In the next example we see a Mode 2 version where the variable b is set to the state of the selected toggle switch or checkbox element. This time the element is selected using a CSS Selector.

The next example shows a Mode 2 version, where the output of the block is used inside a If block and compared to the boolean value of true. The element itself is selected using the Element block.

If this condition is met, the function block do_something is invoked.

Lastly we have another example with a Mode 1 version. The output is used inside a If block and compared to the boolean value of true. If this condition is met, The Show Information Popup block is used to show a message that the switch is ON. The If block's else flow parameter also has a Information Popup block, but it will display the message that the switch is OFF.

NOTE: The same examples also apply for a Checkbox element.

Last updated