Action/Event Info

Block Information

Available in: Page Flow

Toolbox Category: Action - Event

Block Type: Output

Output Type: object

Action/Event Info is an output block that provides information about a user-interaction event when used inside the Tasks flow parameter of the Mouse/Keyboard Action , Event Action and similar blocks. The output is of type object and is compatible with Value Parameters of type object or of type any.

The Action/Event Info block only works when used inside the Tasks flow parameter of the Mouse/Keyboard Action, Event Action and similar blocks.


The user-interaction event information is in the form of an object with the following properties:

Property NameDescription


x-coordinate of the mouse pointer position.


y-coordinate of the mouse pointer position.


Reference to the element on which the interaction event occurred.


This relates to dynamic content and information provided here.


This relates to dynamic content and information provided here.


This relates to dynamic content and information provided here.


This relates to dynamic content and information provided here.


Reference to the DOM's event information object for more advanced usage. See here for more information.

Usage Example

The image below shows an example of the Action/Event Info block used inside the Tasks flow parameter of the Event Action block.

The Show Information Popup block is used to display the x and y coordinates of the mouse pointer when the click event occurred.

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