Page Preview

The page preview feature enables you to assess a functional version of your page while designing it. Accessible through the Preview button located in the main toolbar of the page editor, this allows you to test and evaluate the appearance and functionality of your page in real-time.

Responsive Design

Page preview enables you to view your page across different screen sizes, including Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile. Located in the toolbar at the top, you can utilize the provided buttons to seamlessly switch between the various screen sizes.

Page Preview Toolbar with screen size buttons


Using the page preview feature, you can test the following:

  • The functionality of various widgets such as Data Table, Stripe Payment, Form, etc.

  • Custom Javascript and CSS files

  • The effectiveness of your Page Flow logic in guiding users through different interactions and processes.


The following are some of the limitations in page preview when it comes to testing your page:

  • Link elements with their URL set to another page in your app will not work.

  • Custom JavaScript within your app that necessitates access to user peripherals such as the camera or microphone will not function.

Last updated