Page Settings

You can use the information in this section for both Pages and Forms.

The Page Settings screen allows configuring important settings related to a page or form in your Zingy app. You can access the page settings screen using the Settings button located in the main toolbar of the page editor.

Please note that you need to re-publish your app for the settings to take effect.

The page settings are categorized into the following sections:



The Active setting permits you to switch the publishing status of the page.

When turned OFF, the page will be disabled and will not appear in the live version of your Zingy app.

By default, this setting is set to ON.

Page URL

Use the Page URL setting to change the URL slug of the page.

e.g. if your Zingy app is using the URL, the default URL of a page in your app will look like:<<PageId>> , where Page ID is the identifier you used when creating the page.

NOTE: The default URL structure for a form within your app will follow this format:<<PageId>> , where Page ID is the identifier you used when creating the form.

You can change the default URL by providing your own slug in the Page URL setting.

Access (Security)

Password Protected

The Password Protected toggle switch indicates whether your page is secure. If your page is publicly accessible, this setting will be OFF. If your page can only be accessed by a successfully authenticated user of your Zingy app, this setting will be ON.

Please note that this setting is read-only and you need to use the Access Rules setting to modify your page's security setting.

If an unauthenticated user attempts to access a page that is not publicly accessible, the app will automatically display a login screen. Upon successful authentication, the user will be redirected to the requested page.

Access Rules

For a page, the Access Rules setting allows you to configure role based access.

User's that are members of the Admin group are always allowed to access any page in your Zingy app. To grant public access to a page, select "Public" from the Group dropdown menu and click the "Add" button. As a result, the Password Protected toggle switch will automatically be turned OFF, as depicted below:

To revoke public access for a page, simply click on the 'x' icon within the Public group. This action will trigger the automatic activation of the Password Protected toggle switch.

The same methods as described above can be utilized to establish access rules for any group within your app. As described here, when adding a group, the minimum role level also needs to be specified. Roles below the selected level will be disallowed when trying to access the page.

Page Info/SEO


The Title setting for a page specifies the label that is shown in a browser's title bar or a tab.

When it comes to pages that are publicly accessible, the content within the page title plays a crucial role in search engine optimization. Optimal results are achieved with a descriptive title rather than a brief or generic one. Search engine algorithms utilize the title content as one of the factors to determine the ranking and order of pages in search results. Therefore, crafting a well-defined and informative page title can greatly impact search engine visibility and user engagement.

HTML Meta Desc

For publicly accessible pages, the HTML Meta Desc setting is used to provide a concise and accurate description of the content on a webpage. This description typically appears in search engine results pages (SERPs) as a snippet below the page title, giving users an idea of what the page is about.

It is important to consider the following for this setting:

  • Be Concise: Keep the description brief, usually between 50 to 160 characters, as search engines may truncate longer descriptions.

  • Be Informative: Clearly summarize the main content or purpose of the webpage, providing an enticing preview to users.

  • Be Unique: Craft unique descriptions for each page on your website, avoiding duplicate or repetitive content.

  • Include Relevant Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords or phrases that accurately reflect the content of the page. However, avoid keyword stuffing or excessive use of keywords, as search engines prioritize meaningful and natural language.


NOTE: You can override the font of a specific element by:

  • Using the Custom CSS Classes setting

  • Using the Design Tab under the Font section.

  • Adding this font to the Font List in App Settings or at the page. If you want to use a font that is not supported, you can add the font using CSS

Font List

Every page and form within your Zingy app will automatically adopt the defined fonts specified in your app's settings.

To further customize the font selection, the Font List setting allows additional fonts to be utilized on the page.

Furthermore, this setting allows for the removal of fonts that are no longer required.

Heading Font

Select the font to be used for displaying headings in your page using the Heading Font setting. By default the page will use the heading font selected in your app's settings.

Body Font

The Body Font setting allows you to select the font to be used in your page for all non-heading elements. By default the page will use the body font selected in your app's settings.


HTML Head Additions

The HTML Head Additions setting allows you to include custom Javascript (via script tag) and CSS files (via link tag).

The contents of the HTML Head Additions setting, will be inserted into your page along with the HTML Head Additions setting defined in your app's settings.

It is recommended that you limit the contents if this setting to script, link or meta tags.

Custom Style Definitions

The HTML Head Additions setting allows you to define your own CSS classes.

The contents of the Custom Style Definitions setting will be inserted into your page along with the Custom Style Definitions setting defined in your app's settings.

Please define your CSS classes directly and do not include a style tag. The style tag is automatically generated.

The Footer Type setting is applicable only to a Structured Page.

The following are possible values for this setting:

  • Fixed

    The footer section will automatically be fixed to the bottom of your page.

  • Standard

    The footer section will be part of the normal flow of your page and will be placed where the body section ends.

Last updated