
Multi-line Element

Use the Multi-line element to interact with users and accept text that can span multiple lines.


The Options tab settings for this element are described below:

Lines (rows)

This controls the initial height of the element. The user is allowed to extend the element if required. Enter the number of lines of text you want the element to have initially.

Character Width (cols)

This controls the initial with of the element. The user is allowed to extend the element if required. Enter the number of characters on a line. Please note that this does not apply if you select Form Control as yes.

Rich Text

Select yes, if you want to allow the user to format the text they type inside the element. When enabled, the element is shown with a editing toolbar that allows the commonly found formatting functionalities like bold, underline, etc.

When you select Rich Text, the height of the element is based on the Lines (rows) setting above.


Enter the text you want displayed in the tooltip shown by the browser when a user hovers over the element.

Place Holder

Enter the text you want displayed inside the element as a hint to the user. The place holder appears only when the element is empty and automatically disappears when the user types inside the element.


Allows you to provide a hint to the browser's autocomplete functionality.

Possible values are:

  • Default

    Use the browser's default behavior for the current user.

  • off

    Suggest the browser to not use autocomplete for this element.

  • on

    Suggest the browser to use autocomplete for this element.

Form Field Name

If you are implementing a completely custom HTML form on your page, use this to set the value of the name attribute for this element.


Set this to yes If you want to make sure a valid data is entered for this element. This is used in forms and can also be used if you are implementing a completely custom HTML form on your page.

Form Control

This is used in forms and adds a consistent design/style to your input element. Additionally this also enables feedback control for the element so that you can communicate whether the value is valid or invalid. Use this in conjunction with the Form Control Size setting.

Form Control Size

Use this in conjunction with the Form Control setting. Control the size of the input element.

Last updated