Show Popup Form

Block Information

Available in: Page Flow

Toolbox Category: Action

Block Type: Regular

The Show Popup Form block is used to present an existing Form in your app as a modal popup. It allows your app's users to add or edit existing data and then save it in your app's database.

The block consists of the following (from top to bottom):

  • Form Slug: Input configuration setting to specify the URL slug of the form to be shown.

  • Title: Value Parameter that accepts a text value to use for the title of the popup.

  • Data: Optional Value Parameter that accepts a object value to edit. If omitted the form is presented in "create" mode where a new record is added to the app's database.

  • Customization: Optional Value Parameter that accepts a object value with properties for customizing the popup.

  • Save Success Tasks: a Flow Parameter where you connect blocks that specify what you want done after the data has been saved successfully (but before the popup is closed). To access the data entered by the user refer to Popup Form Data.

  • Form Close Success Tasks: a Flow Parameter where you connect blocks that specify what you want done after the popup has been closed following a successful save operation. To access the data entered by the user refer to Popup Form Data.

  • Form Close Fail Tasks: a Flow Parameter where you connect blocks that specify what you want done after the popup has been closed following a failed save operation.

Usage Example

The example below shows the Show Popup Form block used to present the Form1 form with the title "New Student". Since the Data parameter has been omitted, the popup will add a new record into the app's database if the user enters valid data.

When the popup is closed, an Alert element is shown using the Alert Text block with either a Green color or a Red color depending upon the result.

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