Set Form Event Status Message

Block Information

Available in: Page Flow

Toolbox Category: Form

Block Type: Regular

The Set Form Event Status Message block is used to show a message to the user.

The block's behavior varies based on the context in which it's used, as outlined below:

  • Within the Form Events block's Submit Tasks, Success Tasks and Error Tasks flow parameter context, this block will replace the form's customized success and error messages. In this scenario, it's advisable to employ the Alert Text block to convey your message.

  • Outside the Form Events block's Submit Tasks, Success Tasks and Error Tasks flow parameters context, the message will appear in the form's general status section. Here, it's recommended to utilize the Alert Text block in its dismissible setting to showcase your message.

The block consists of a Value Parameter that accepts an text value containing the message.

This block only works when used in Form type pages. See Working With Forms to learn about how forms work.

Usage Example

The image below shows an example of the Set Form Event Status Message block.

In the above case, since the block is used outside of the Form Events block's Submit Tasks, Success Tasks and Error Tasks flow parameter context, the message will appear in the form's general status section as shown in the image below.

For the next example, we will use the Set Form Event Status Message block inside the Form Events block's Success Tasks flow parameter as shown in the image below.

This time the message provided replaces the customized success message and is displayed after the form was submitted successfully.

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