Show Menu

Block Information

Available in: Page Flow

Toolbox Category: Action - Menu

Block Type: Regular

The Show Menu block is used to dynamically present a Popup Menu with options to the user of your app.

The block consists of the following (from top to bottom):

  • Options List: Value Parameter that accepts a list value containing the options you want to present.

  • X Position: Value Parameter that accepts a numeric value for the X coordinate position where the menu will appear. The xpos property from the Action/Event Info block comes pre-attached as a default. You can attach any numeric value here to change that.

  • Y Position: Value Parameter that accepts a numeric value for the Y coordinate position where the menu will appear. The ypos property from the Action/Event Info block comes pre-attached as a default. You can attach any numeric value here to change that.

  • Selection Tasks: a Flow Parameter where you connect blocks that specify what you want done after a selection is made. Use the Menu Text and/or the Menu Index blocks to know what option the user selected.

Usage Example

The example below shows the Show Menu block used to present a menu with two options when button is clicked. Since the X Position and Y Position value parameters are using their pre-attached values, the menu will be shown at the location where the click occurred.

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