Page Editor Tour

Get to know your way around the Zingy Page Editor

The Page Editor is used to edit both Pages and Forms hence the information in this section applies to both.

To launch the page editor, click on a page or form and select the Edit option.

The page editor consists of the following sections:

Main Toolbar

The main toolbar provides access to important functionalities such as:

Page Element Sidebar

For a Structured Page, no Page Element Sidebar is displayed in the page editor. Instead the Page Element Sidebar is present when you edit a page slice.

The page element sidebar has two primary panels:

The page element library provides quick access to various page elements that can be added to your page. The library is organized into categories that can be expanded or collapsed for ease of use.

The page tree view shows your page in a hierarchical structure.

For more information please see: Page Tree View .

AI Wiz allows you to generate and add custom page elements by simply typing what you want in plain English. The generated elements are added to your Page Element library under the AI Wiz category.

For more information please see: Using AI Wiz in the Page Editor.

Page Content Area

The page content area displays your page's content and allows you to edit or modify the page elements.

For a structured page, the page content area allows you to add, reorder or delete page slices for the header, body and footer sections.

For more information please see:

Page Content Toolbar

For a Structured Page, the Page Content Toolbar is present when you edit a layout on the page.

The page content toolbar allows you to:

Last updated