Menubar Item Link

The Menubar Item Link element is similar to the Link element, but is used inside Menubar Item elements.

It's important to note that the Menubar Item Link element cannot be directly accessed in the Page Element Library for drag-and-drop functionality. Instead, you can utilize the following pre-built elements:


The Options tab settings for this element are described below:


Sets the destination URL. The URL can be external to other websites or internal to other pages of your app.

Using Page Flow, you can define custom actions instead of navigating to the URL.


Choose whether you want to open the URL in a new tab/page or in the same page.

This is an advanced parameter that translates to the Bootstrap data-toggle attribute. The Popup Menu Style1, Popup Menu Style2 and Menubar Popup Menu elements use this by setting the value to dropdown. You can also use this to control a Collapsible Area element by setting the value to collapse.

Action Target

This is an advanced parameter that translates to the Bootstrap data-target attribute. The value is set to the Element ID of the element to be controlled. To find the Element ID see here.

The Element ID needs to be prefixed with a # character. This is also known as ID selector syntax. For more information click here.

Last updated