Set Toggle Switch State

Block Information

Available in: Page Flow

Toolbox Category: Input

Block Type: Regular

Set Toggle Switch State is a regular block that allows you to set the state of Checkbox and Toggle Switch elements on a page or form.

Refer to the Set Toggle Switch State in Data Design block for dynamically generated content.

The block comes in two modes which are discussed below.

Mode 1

The Mode 1 version of the Set Toggle Switch State block consists of (from left to right):

Mode 2

The Mode 2 version of the Set Toggle Switch State block consists of (from left to right):

Usage Examples

NOTE: The same examples also apply for a Checkbox element.

The image below shows an example of the Mode 1 version where the Data value parameter is attached to a Variable Value block configured to use the variable b which has been set to "true". This would toggle the switch to the "ON" position.

In the next example we see a Mode 2 version where the Element value parameter is attached to a Text block containing a CSS Selector that selects the same element. This time the Data value parameter is attached to the True/False block containing the value "false". This would toggle the switch to the "OFF" position.

NOTE: Using a CSS selector, you can operate on multiple elements that match the criteria specified by the selector. See the references below for more information:

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