
The Dropdown element allows the user to make a selection from a list of options.

In Forms, the Dropdown automatically gets used for the Data Field elements where the Type is Text and Sub-Type is List of Values. Click here for more information.

The list of dropdown options is configurable via the settings for the element, which are described in detail below.


The Options tab settings for this element are described below:

Allows you to add, edit and remove options from the dropdown. You can also reorder the options based on how you would like it to be presented to the user.

Each selectable option consists of a Display Text and a Value. The Value can be blank or empty, but the Display Text is mandatory. The Display Text is shown in the list of options, with the Value being used when this specific option is selected.

If this element is marked as mandatory, selecting an option with an empty value will mark selection as invalid.


Enter the text you want displayed in the tooltip shown by the browser when a user hovers over the element.


Select yes if you want this element to allow the user to select an option quickly using text search. This is useful if you plan on having a long list of selectable options.

Form Field Name

If you are implementing a completely custom HTML form on your page, use this to set the value of the name attribute for this element.


Set this to yes If you want to make sure a valid selection is made. This is used in forms and can also be used if you are implementing a completely custom HTML form on your page.

Form Control

This is used in forms and adds a consistent design/style to the element. Additionally this also enables feedback control for the element so that you can communicate whether the value is valid or invalid. Use this in conjunction with the Form Control Size setting.

Form Control Size

Use this in conjunction with the Form Control setting. Control the size of the element.

Last updated